Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Rant, The Rave, and The Ridiculous

It may just be the way my brain works (or doesn't) but I tend to think a lot of things are ridiculous. The media for example. The media is ridiculous, and I try very hard not to get caught it up in their web whenever something tragic or devastating is happening. Then, when nothing tragic is happening, they become even more ridiculous covering stories that, in my opinion, consist of  gossip and bullshit, rather than actual news.

The FDA is also ridiculous. Pharmaceutical companies are ridiculous, as are Insurance companies. In fact, almost everything and everyone that has been put in place to protects us, ends up doing the exact opposite. I don't really trust doctors either. I've been lucky enough a couple of times to end up with a doctor that actually knew what they were doing and practiced medicine with integrity and a true intent to help. The majority of doctors offices, however, have now become a drive through service who's main objective is to hand out prescriptions, often without ever confirming the problem. (I've had my current doctor now for about four years and have never actually met her. I see the practitioner, who is young and eager to learn, but very easily fills prescriptions with only a brief explanation of my symptoms.) My distrust of doctors is probably the main thing that is keeping me from making that phone call to seek counseling for my anxiety, and my most recent suspicions. That, and the fact that it's scary as fucking hell to tell anything to a complete stranger, and then trust that they, somehow, know you better than you know yourself. It's ridiculous.

I'll admit, I tend to always lean towards the conspiracy theory way of thinking. Not to the point of paranoia or anything. I just tend to think a lot of things are bullshit. Question everything. That's what I do. That's what I've always done. I don't think it wins me many friends, but, luckily, I don't need many friends.

The latest bit of bullshit to hit my Ridiculous Meter is the DSM (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). With all the research that I've been doing on Autism/Asperger's Syndrome my attention was brought to the fact that the DSM is being revised and Asperger's Syndrome will be removed entirely, like someone is waving a magic wand. Poof!  Gone...never existed. Okay, well not entirely. Instead now all the the other Autism related disorders will now just be lumped into The Spectrum which will range from mild to severe. (Not sure what other names will fall in between...I mean, if you're not mild and you're not severe...what are you?) I've seen mixed reviews from people who are currently diagnosed, but I can certainly understand those that are upset by it. Most had to go through a process, to even accept having that label in the first place. A process that starts with denial, confusion, anger and finally ends with understanding and acceptance. So many of the people that I've been following have learned how to embrace that label and  accept themselves for who they are. Now, it's being taken away, like it never even happened.  Ridiculous? Little bit.

I'm not sure who or what the American Psychiatric Association consists of, to be honest, but if they're taking something away does that mean they shouldn't have put it there in the first place?? It wasn't that long ago that Manic Depression became known as Bi-Polar Disorder. What does that mean?  What changed?  Certainly not any of the people suffering from the condition. In addition to deletion of Aspergers, they are also adding a bunch of new Disorders so that those who suffer from nothing won't feel left out. (At least, I assume that's why). DMDD (disruptive mood dysregulation disorder) because, well, kids shouldn't be allowed to get angry.  Minor Neurocognitive Disorder, which basically means your brain is getting old and you have CRS (can't remember shit). And my favorite, Binge Eating Disorder, which says if you pig out 12 times in 3 months you get to have a Psychiatric Illness as well. (Great, I already have that one.) Ridiculous.

I'm sure there's more, but I had to stop my head from spinning, so I abandoned ship. Basically, what I get from all of this, is no one really knows anything for sure. What you have now, may not be what you have later. What's good for you now will probably end up killing you at some point. And lastly, just about everyone is full of shit. (Maybe that's a little harsh.)

It just seems as though the focus is on adding more imaginary problems and less on defining and really understanding problems that exist. For what it's worth there are a bunch of disorders, conditions and what have you that I don't even think should be considered a Psychiatric Illness, but what do I know? I know this: whenever I describe my son and his idiosyncrasies I may say he is not exactly like other kids, but I won't say he's not normal. And I won't say I'm not normal. Why? Because it doesn't really exist. In fact, I think I heard that the word itself is being removed from the new revised version of the Dictionary.

Hope, who probably does think too much...

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